
一周立法要闻梳理(9.9-9.15) | 法宝双语新闻



1. 《关于建立健全企业家参与涉企政策制定机制的实施意见》发布
9月12日,国家发改委印发《关于建立健全企业家参与涉企政策制定机制的实施意见》。《意见》明确,研究制定经济社会发展重大战略、重大规划、重大改革、重大政策、重大项目,除依法需要保密和重要敏感事项外,牵头部门应通过适当形式、在一定范围听取企业家意见建议。  《意见》要求,健全涉企政策评估调整程序。涉企政策实施后,适时开展第三方机构主导、企业家代表参与的政策落实情况评估。对可能增加企业成本、影响企业正常生产经营的政策调整,应在听取相关行业企业意见的基础上合理设置缓冲过渡期。对因政策调整造成企业合法权益受损的,要依法依规予以补偿。  此外,《意见》强调,强化政府与企业家常态化沟通联系,地方各级政府要加强与当地企业家的日常沟通联系,帮助企业解决实际困难和问题。1. Mechanism for Entrepreneurs to Participate in Making Enterprise-Related Policies to be Improved On September 12, the National Development and Reform Commission issued the Implementation Opinions on Establishing and Improving the Mechanism for Entrepreneurs to Participate in Making Enterprise-Related Policies.The Opinions require leading departments to listen to opinions and suggestions of entrepreneurs by proper means within a certain scope when researching and developing major strategies, plans, reforms, policies, or projects in relation to economic and social development, except for those which should be kept confidential according to the law and involve important sensitive matters.It also requires to improve enterprise-related policy assessment and adjustment procedures. After the implementation of the enterprise-related policies, the assessment on the implementation of policies led by a third-party institution and with the participation of the representatives of entrepreneurs should be conducted in due course. For policy adjustments that may increase the cost and affect the normal production and operation of enterprises, a transitional period should be reasonably set on the basis of hearing opinions of enterprises in relevant industries. Where the lawful rights and interests of enterprises are damaged due to policy adjustments, compensation should be granted for their losses so incurred in accordance with laws and regulations.In addition, the Opinions call for regular liaison between governments and entrepreneurs. Local governments at all levels should strengthen daily communication and contact with local entrepreneurs to help enterprises solve practical difficulties and problems.


2. 《证券交易所风险基金监管指引》发布



《指引》指出,证券交易所应在每次使用风险基金结束后10 个工作日内向证监会报送使用报告。风险基金使用报告应当包括以下内容:(一)使用原因、必要性;(二)使用金额、具体使用情况;(三)追偿计划。


2. Guidelines for Regulating Risk Funds of Stock Exchanges Issued

On September 12, 2019, the China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC) issued the Guidelines for Regulating Risk Funds of Stock Exchanges, effective from the date of issuance.The Guidelines make it clear that a stock exchange should formulate the measures specifically for the management of risk funds, including but not limited to the body in charge of the routine management of risk funds and its duties, and the specific methods for inspecting the use and management of risk funds by the board of supervisors. According to the Guidelines, a stock exchange should submit a use report to the CSRC within 10 working days after the use of risk funds each time, which contains the reasons and necessity, amount and details, and the recovery plan.  In addition, a stock exchange should state the relevant information on risk funds in the annual report submitted to the CSRC, including the scale of risk funds, the withdrawal, the use, recovery status, and the implementation and improvement of relevant rules.


3. 《仲裁委员会登记管理办法(征求意见稿)》发布




3. Administrative Measures for Registration of Arbitration Commissions (Exposure Draft) Issued

On September 12, the Ministry of Justice issued the Administrative Measures for Registration of Arbitration Commissions (Exposure Draft), and comments may be submitted until October 11, 2019. 

With a total of 39 articles in seven chapters, the Exposure Draft sets forth such contents as legislative purpose, basic principles, registration content and effectiveness, norms for names, announcement system, establishment registration and filing, change and cancellation of registration, register preparation and publication, supervision and management, and legal liability respectively.

The key points involved in the Exposure Draft include: (1) Enumerating improper names, falsification, and other circumstances under which registration will not be granted. (2) Specifying registration and filing procedures of branches. To be clear, an arbitration commission may independently decide to set up its branches or local offices within the jurisdiction of the city as actually needed in the work, and for those established in other places, the written certificates should be obtained with the consent of the municipal government where the institution is located and established, and then submitted to the judicial administrative departments of provinces, autonomous regions or municipalities directly under the Central Government for recordation. (3) Adding the re-examination to be conducted when a new commission holds office at the expiration of the term of office. (4) Detailing provisions on deregistration and adding procedures for initiative deregistration by registration administrative authorities themselves. (5) Clarifying contents and forms of supervisory inspection over arbitration commissions by registration administrative authorities. (6) Introducing provisions on the credit construction of arbitration commissions, among which both procedures for applying for unified social credit codes, and explicit requirements for establishing integrity archives are devoted to this end. (7) Addressing issues of the registration and filing of the China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission (CIETAC), the China Maritime Arbitration Commission (CMAC), and the Arbitration Center Across the Straits (ACAS) as well as their branches.


4. 网络生态治理规定征求意见





4. Public Comments Requested on Governance of Network Ecology

On September 10, 2019, the Cyberspace Administration of China and relevant departments jointly drafted the Provisions on the Governance of Network Ecology (Exposure Draft), and comments may be submitted until October 10, 2019.

According to the Exposure Draft, the producers of network information content may not produce the illegal information containing the content that is against the basic principles as determined in the Constitution; damages the national honor and national interests; spreads false information and disrupts economic order or social order; spreads obscenity, pornography, gambling, violence, murder, terror; or instigates crimes, among others, nor may they produce the bad information that contains sexual suggestion, sexual flirtation , or sexual temptation; causes physical and mental discomfort such as bloodiness and thrills; propagandizes such lifestyle as ostentatious display of wealth, money worship,  lavish spending, and being corrupted; overhypes celebrity gossip or entertainment gossip; or uses exaggerated titles resulting in the serious inconsistency between the content and the title, among others. 

Where the network information content service platform adopts the personalized algorithm recommendation technology to push information, both the manual intervention mechanism and the user’s self-selection mechanism should be established. 

The users of network information content service may not use human or technical means to perform such acts as data flow fraud, data flow hijacking, false registration of accounts, batch trading of account numbers, and manipulation of user accounts, to undermine the ecological order of the network.



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