
一诺 | 硅谷聚聚,聊聊教育? ETUSchool Summer Mixer

2016-07-20 一诺 奴隶社会



我们会在 7/23号,这周六下午4-6点, 在Palo Alto做一个Summer Mixer

时间:7/23, 430-630pm.

地点:1059 E Meadow Cir. Palo Alto, CA 94303 (感谢Sofia University 的场地帮助)


1. 我和华章给感兴趣的朋友讲讲一土学校的筹备情况 (我们北京的第一所学校今年开学)

2. 我们邀请了几位在加州从事教育工作的朋友 (简介在下面),做一个关于教育的分享和讨论,其中包括参与创办了三家 Progressive School 的校长 Anne Beneventi, 教育学和儿童心理学博士 Lan,在加州的 Charter School Summit Public Schools 工作的斯坦福 GSB 毕业生 Sally Zou,美国中文教育 BookKnock 的创始人 Stella Su, 多年在美国从事一线教学的教师 Ying Gong, ETUSchool 美国的负责人 Jingjing Xu 等。

3. 我们一土学校硅谷校区正在筹办中,希望参与的朋友,也欢迎来认识一下。



Guest Panelists for the mixer:  

Anne Beneventi - Co-founder of three progressive schools

After completing her degree in elementary and special education, Anne Beneventi began her teaching career in independent schools, enthusiastic to provide creative, authentic learning to her students. While teaching at The Nueva School for the gifted, she had the good fortune to meet Annemarie Roeper, a visionary in the field of gifted education. She worked with Annemarie for over a decade, was aligned with her educational philosophy and trained in Annemarie’s method of identifying children as gifted as an alternative to IQ testing. Anne is currently the Director of the Annemarie Roeper Method of Qualitative Assessment (QA). She evaluates children in her private practice and consults with families and schools to provide appropriate academic and emotional support for gifted children.

Anne’s focus is on understanding and meeting the needs of all learners, with particular focus on the gifted. She co-founded three progressive schools: Kaumaya International School in Alexandria, Egypt, Roeper West in Berkeley, CA, and most recently, Helios School in Sunnyvale, CA. At Helios School she continues to evaluate applicants to the school using QA and guides the educational approach: to challenge and engage students to communicate depth of knowledge and produce high-level academic work. Anne has always sought opportunities through innovation and accommodations to help students actualize their full potential in a positive learning community.

Anne is past Chair of the Global Awareness Network of the National Association for Gifted Children (NAGC), serves on the board of Gifted Homeschool Forum, and is an Associate of the Gifted Development Center in Colorado. In these roles she offers teacher training and presents at conferences nationally and in New Zealand on identification of gifted learners, curriculum design, and instruction. Anne is passionate in her desire to align curriculum, instruction and assessment with individual needs and development of students.

Sally Zou – Summit Public Schools

Sally Zou is currently the manager of Student Data & Information Systems at Summit Public Schools, a charter school network with a self-directed and personalized learning model. Sally made the transition from a private equity investing into education management. She received her BA in Applied Math from the UC Berkeley and an MBA from the Graduate School of Business at Stanford University. 

Lan - Advisor to ETU School; Corp Dev at Dropbox

Lan currently leads the Corp Dev Strategy team at Dropbox and has previously worked at McKinsey advising Fortune 500 companies. Outside of her career in M&A and investing, she's dedicated to bringing the best education to children. She holds a dual PhD degree in Psychology and Education from the University of Michigan where she was well-published in peer-reviewed journals (including an article in Science). She has applied her research to developing children's brain training education programs and games after completing her post-doc work at Harvard, now sold through HABA. She's on the Board of Directors of Young Audiences of Northern California, a non-profit.

Stella Su – Founder of Booknock

Stella Su is the founder of bookknock.com and serves on the board of American Association of Chinese Books. Her other professional experiences include management consulting, strategic planning and product management with Motorola/Google, Rovi and Roland Berger in both China and the US. Recently Stella translated "The Making of Americans: Democracy and Our School" by Professor Hirsh into Chinese. 

Stella holds Master of Public Administration degree from Cornell University, Dual Bachelor's degrees in Economics and Statistics from Peking University. She used to design curriculum and teach class of Chinese literature history in the Peking University affiliated high school.

Jingjing Xu

Jingjing Xu is currently the director of operations at ETUSchool US. She is also on the Board of Directors of Palo Alto Partners in Education (PiE), a foundation that supports public schools.  In 2015 PiE raised and donated about $6 million to the school district.  She is also the PTA VP of community at Walter Hays Elementary school and chair of CCB at Altschool. Former Assistant Professor of Tokyo Institute of Technology for two years (TIT, the Japanese equivalent of MIT), teaching chip design.

Jingjing used to manage an IC chip design team before making the transition to education management. Jingjing received her BA in Applied Math/EE from USTC and MS in Computer Engineering from UCSC. 

In 2014 Jingjing's family spent a year traveling around the world while homeschooling their two kids (ages 7 and 5). They covered 4 continents, 19 countries, and lots of learning topics that are not part of any school curriculum!

Lastly Yinuo and Huazhang, founders of ETU School.

In the mixer, we will cover a few agenda items

1. Introduction/update of ETU School

2. Panel discussion with a few educators

3. Mixer

About ETU School:

A. School Overview:  

ETUSchool is a startup school project based in Beijing. With the mission to improve society through education, our school is founded on three core principles: that 21st century Chinese education should be: 

1. Personalized- The best education is one that enables each individual to become the best version of themselves.

2. Scalable - To make true impact in society, quality education must be made accessible beyond the walls of a single campus.

3. Truly Chinese, Truly Global - The future of education in China needs to cultivates students to appreciate his/her own Chinese roots as well as to understand global perspectives 

B. Vision

The vision for ETUSchool is to build a global network of affordable micro schools (K-8), starting from major cities in China and expand globally.

For outside of China, ETUschools will offer truly immersive bilingual (English/Chinese) curriculum, and allow the possibility to cultivate deep culture awareness through exchanges with campuses in China. The core of the schools will be personalized learning enabled by ETU technology platform.

The ETU platforms consist of:

1. Professional development system for teacher training and development

2. Differentiated learning profile/IT system for students and teachers to enable personalized learning

3. Digital school-parents community

In addition to expanding ETUSchool's micro-school network, we strive to reduce the education inequality in China caused by decades of uneven socio-economic development. Thus ETUSchool also plan on creating an open-access platform that will bring the key aspects of the ETU technology platform to rural school teachers.

C. Next Steps

The first ETUSchool will open in September 2016 in partnership with a leading public school in Beijing, as a school in school project, with an international team of educators. For the first year we will start with 30 students between 5-7 years old, and has an educator team of 6 teachers. Student and teacher recruiting have completed.

This public-private partnership is a part of ETUSchool strategy to bring together local and international partners in novel ways to create more effective models for school creation.

We aim to open a campus in the Bay Area in 2017.

D. About the Founders:

Yinuo Li

Serving as the Director of Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation’s China Program, Yinuo is leading this school project in her personal time (i.e. unaffiliated with Gates foundation in any formal capacity). Prior to her current post, Yinuo was a partner at the management consulting firm McKinsey & Company in both Beijing and Palo Alto.

Outside of her professional life, Yinuo works to further the frontier of education in China. Yinuo and her husband Huazhang Shen runs an influential social media collective that writes on key social issues in China, with close to 500K followers. Yinuo serves on the final selection committee for the Rhodes Scholarship, as well as on the Academic Advisory Committee of the Schwartzman Scholarship in Tsinghua University. The prestigious Schwartzman Scholarship is often referred to as the “Rhodes Scholarship in China", which aims to develop public and private sector leaders who understand China. 

Yinuo received a Ph.D in Molecular Biology from UCLA and a B.S. in Biology from Tsinghua University. Yinuo has also receive a number of recognitions for her contributions to the societal development, and most recently she was elected as the World Economic Forum Young Global Leader in 2016.

Huazhang Shen

Huazhang has been a serial entrepreneur in IT space, and most recently is the founder of Magnet, an IT platform that enables community communications.

Huazhang has a Master degree from California Institute of Technology and B.S. from University of Science and Technology in China.



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