






第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)





Zoo Exhibit Game

Each animal exhibit will haven formation about the animal located there. You will get to learn about each animal's habitat, their conservation status and some other quick facts. As you explore the zoo check off all the endangered animals you discover from the list below. Find them all and win a free T-shirt

o Mountain Gorilla

o Chinese Alligator

o Snow Leopard

o white-winged Wood Duck

o Red Panda

o Giant Turtle

o Koala

o Tree Kangaroo

o Red wolf

o Tiger Snake

Zoo Manners

The zoo is a smoke free area No balloons, balls, bikes, or roller skates allowed. Pets are not allowed- excepting guide dogs for blind

Stay on the pathways and do not place children on railing. Do not throw anything into the animal exhibits. Please help our conservation efforts by depositing trash and recyclables properly.

Lost Persons

If separated from your group ask any zoo employee or security guard for immediate assistance, or go directly to the Administration Building reception desk

Facilities and Services

Enjoy a delicious meal at one of our two animal-themed café restaurants. Our Visitor Centre offers cards, books and toys so you can always remember you day at the zoo. There is also an hourly animal presentation 

21. How can a person get a

free t-shirt at the zoo?

A Follow all the zoo rules

B. Visit all the zoo's exhibits

C. Bring along another guest

D Identify all the animals in danger.

22. Where should a lost person go for help?

A. Main Entrance

B. Visitor Centre

C. Administration Building.

D Nursing Centre.

23. Which of the following is allowed at the zoo?

A Riding your bike

B Taking your camera

C. Feeding the animals

D Smoking cigarettes


I saw it first, Amy said, as she ripped the old leather wallet out of Charlies hands. Without saying a word, as if they both understood that this was a secret they didn’t want to share with anyone, they slipped into the alley, where no one could see them look inside

"There's got to be a million dollars here! "Charlie blurted out, when they saw the pile of hundred- dollar bills. Amy, the more realistic of the two, did a quick estimate, thumbing through the wad of cash. "More like thousands” she said, her voice shaking in disbelief.

They'd found the wallet in a flowerbed by the sidewalk, when Charlie dropped his cell phone while he was trying to talk and eat a slice of pepperoni pizza at the same time. Amy stuffed the wallet into her backpack and pulled Charlie along by his elbow toward her house. As they rushed toward Viceroy Avenue, they talked excitedly about what they could do with the money-buy gifts for parents and friends, get new clothes, travel to the rainforest in Costa Rica, and adopt a whale. It looked like all of their dreams would come true. For the last block, however, they didn’t talk. Each began to suspect that the other one was silently adding to the list of things they could buy.

They finally reached Amy s house, but instead of going inside, they walked around the house to the back porch. They opened the wallet and counted the money into piles of ten. The total wasS2400- more money than either of them had ever seen. Then they both started talking at once. "I wonder who lost it "Their moods shifted, sinking from the high of being rich for fifteen minutes to resigning themselves to what they must do next. For in the wallet's clear plastic compartment, there was a driver's license. They knew what they had to do. Although they would lose their newly-found treasure, in a way, they felt relieved.

24. Where did Amy and Charlie find the wallet?

A. In an alley              B In a backpack

C. Among some flowers      D On the sidewalk

25. In paragraph 2, why was Amy’s voice shaking?

A. She was afraid that they would be seen by others

B. She was disappointed there wasn't a million dollars

C. She was fearful that Charlie would tell someone else

D. She felt nervous because she'd never seen so much money


26. On their way to Amy’s house, the children's mood changed from

A excited to suspicious

B. happy to angry

C relieved to worried

D. nervous to disappointed

27. What did the children decide to do at the end of the story?

A. To keep the money a secret from others

B. To return the wallet to its rightful owner

C. To put the wallet back where they found it.

D. To buy many different things with the money.


An article published in the prestigious scientific journal Nature sheds new light on an important, but up-to-now little appreciated, aspect of human evolution. In this article Professors Dennis Bramble and Daniel Lieberman suggest that being able to run was the necessary condition for the development of our species which enabled us to come down from the trees. This challenges traditional scientific thinking, which claims that the distinctive, upright body form of modern humans has come about as a result of the ability to walk, and that running is simply a by-product of walking. Furthermore, humans have usually been regarded as poor runners compared to such animals as dogs, horses or deer. However, this is only true if we consider running at high speed, especially over short distances. But when it comes to long-distance running, humans do astonishingly well. They can keep a steady pace for many kilometres, and their overall speed is at least the same as that of horses or dogs

Bramble and Lieberman examined 26 physical features found in humans. One of the most interesting of these is the nuchal ligament(项韧带). When we run, this ligament prevents our head from moving back and forth or from side to side. Therefore, we are able to run with steady heads, held high. The nuchal ligament is not found in any other surviving primates, such as apes and monkeys. Then there are our Achilles tendons (跟腱) at the backs of our legs, which connect our calf muscles to our heel bones — and which have nothing to do with walking. When we run, these tendons behave like springs, helping to push us forward. Furthermore, we have low, wide shoulders virtually disconnected from our skulls(颅骨), a physical development which allows us to run more efficiently.

But what evolutionary advantage is gained from being good long-distance runners? Perhaps it permitted early humans to obtain food more effectively. "What these features and facts appear to be telling us is that running evolved in order for our direct ancestors to compete with other meat-eating animals for access to the protein needed to grow the big brains that we enjoy today," says Lieberman. Some scientists put forward the theory that early humans chased animals for great distances in order to exhaust them before killing them.

"Research on the history of humans' ability to move has traditionally been controversial, " says Lieberman. "At the very least, I believe this theory will motivate many researchers to reevaluate and further investigate how humans learned to run and walk and why we are built the way we are. "

28. In paragraph 1, what do the two professors suggest about humans' ability to run?

A. It is an evolutionary by-product of walking.

B. It helps to form people's ability to climb trees.

C. It has played an important role in human evolution.

D. It has not been adequately studied by scientists before.

29. What is true about the physical characteristics examined by the professors?

A. Achilles tendons assist people to walk long distances.

B. The human skull helps people to run more efficiently.

C. people's shoulders allow them to look from side to side.

D. The nuchal ligament enables people to hold their head steady.

30. According to paragraph 3, scientists believe that early humans_________.

A. always came across dangerous situations in life

B. ran after animals for long distances when hunting

C often failed to find food because they couldn't run fast

D developed their hunting skills by running long distances

31. Professor Lieberman thinks the new theory will _________.

A completely explain how running developed

B revolutionize the theory of human evolution

C. encourage more in-depth studies on the topic

D. be widely supported within the scientific community



Scientists have solved the mystery of why the overwhelming majority of mammoth fossils(化石)are male.

Much like wild elephants today, young male Ice Age mammoths probably travelled around alone and more often got themselves into risky situations where they were swept into rivers, or fell through ice or into mud, lakes or sinkholes that preserved their bones for thousands of years, scientists say.

Females, on the other hand, travelled in groups led by an older matriarch who knew the landscape and directed her group away from danger.

"Without the benefit of living in a herd led by an experienced female, male mammoths had a much higher risk of dying in natural traps such as mud holes, rock cracks and lakes, "said co-author Love Dalen of the Swedish Museum of Natural History in a report published on Thursday in the journal Current Biology.

The study used genetic data to determine the sex of 98 woolly mammoth fossils in Siberia Researchers found that 69% of the samples were male, a heavily unbalanced sex ratio, assuming that the sexes were fairly even at birth

"We were very surprised because there was no reason to expect a sex bias in the fossil record," said first author Patricia Pecnerova, also of the Swedish Museum of Natural History.

Therefore, researchers believe that something about the way they lived influenced the way they died.

Most bones, tusks, and teeth from mammoths and other Ice Age animals haven't survived," explained Dalen

"It is highly likely that the remains that are found in Siberia these days have been preserved because they have been buried, and thus protected from weathering."

These giant, tusked plant eaters disappeared about 4,000 years ago. While there is no scientific agreement about the causes of their disappearance from the planet, most believe that climate change, excessive hunting by humans and the spread of other animals into mammoth feeding grounds were influential factors.

32. The underlined word "matriarch" in paragraph 3 means _______.

A. figure headB. female leader

C experienced animalD. mature mammoth

33. Why do the majority of mammoth fossils come from male animals?

A. Scientists find it easier to study male fossilized bones.

B. There were more male mammoths in comparison to females

C Male mammoths were better able to adapt to the changing circumstances.

D. Male mammoths more frequently died in places where fossils could form.

34. Which of the following is suggested as a reason for mammoths dying out?

A. The increasing competition for food.

B. The cooling of the earth's temperature.

C. The disappearance of male mammoths.

D The risky behaviour of younger mammoths.

35. What is the text type of the passage?

A. A newspaper article.B. An academic essay.

C. A historical description.D. A science fiction story.

第二节  (共5小题:每小题2分,满分10分)


Mary went through a personal experience 40 years ago that changed her life path and established her connection with Chinese herbal medicine.

Still childless after 13 years of marriage, Mary longed to become a mother. For years she travelled from country to country and visited top experts in the field, but without success. _____36_____. However, her Chinese herbalist grandmother gave her hope through a herbal treatment.

After three and a half years she became pregnant. ______37_______ The expectant mother’s delight was shared by the rest of her family too. This was the point when she made up her mind to carry on her grandmother’s work and devote her life to herbal medicine research, development and promotion. To this end, she invested in a large herbal garden in the suburbs of Jakarta, where more than 30,000 plants are grown. ______38________.

Through the application of great effort and resources over many, many years, Mary’s career has developed vigorously, as has her garden. _____39______ When she was asked whether is was worthwhile to have devoted so much of her life to this research, she firmly responded, “What I have done is to fulfill a promise I once made. More importantly, I want to bring Chinese herbal medicine to all those in need. _____40_____”

A. More than 7,000 of these can be used as medicines.

B. The moment the news was confirmed, she burst into tears of happiness.

C. I believe it can help relieve pain and enable the sick to regain their hope of life.

D. Mary decided to make great contributions to the development of Chinese medicine.

E. The heartbreak and disappointment was so great that she came close to giving up.

F. I’m so happy that the local people like to use Chinese medicine for treatment.

G. Although she is now 80 years old, she is still committed to the study of Chinese herbal medicine





The way in which children learn is an ever-growing area of study. It is  41  that children differ from adult learners in many ways, but what is interesting is that there are also quite a number of unexpected   42   across learners of all ages

For much of the 20th century, most psychologists  43   the traditional theory that a newborns mind is a/an  44  sheet of paper upon which the record of experience is gradually impressed. During that time, scientists believed that oral  45  was necessary for abstract thought. In its  46  , scientists assumed that a baby could not have  47  of abstract concepts. As babies are born with a/an 48 range of behaviors and spend most of their early months sleeping, they certainly appear passive and  49  . Therefore, it was commonly thought that babies  50  the ability to form complex ideas. Until recently, there was no obvious way for babies to prove anything to the ___51___  to the researcher

In time, however, challenges to this  52  arose. It became clear that with  53  designed scientific procedures, psychologists could find ways to  54   rather complex question about how much infants and young children know and what  55  they have. Psychologists began to employ new methods to  56  a large amount of data about the remarkable abilities that young children  57  .  Their research findings stood in great contrast to the earlier  58   in the field that focused almost  59  on what children lacked. The  60  of young children came to life through this research. It became clear that very young children are both competent and active when it comes to their mental development.

41. A doubtful     B. necessary       C obvious        D. surprising

42. A. examples    B. personalities     C possibilities     D. commonalities

43. A accepted     B. resisted         C. studied       D replaced

44. A. accessible    B blank           C. concrete        D. dark

45.A. agreement    B. communication  C. suggestion      D. treatment

46. A absence      B. disappearance    C. return          D. sense

47. A adaption      B. burden         C. comprehension  D. satisfaction

48. A. averaged     B. unexpected     C. limited         D reasonable

49. A. confident    B unbelievable    C. lovely         D. unaware

50. A. learn          B. require         C. lack           D. remember

51. A contrary        B good           C. equal          D. truth

52. A. action         B. proof          C. problem        D. view

53. A automatically    B carefully        C. naturally       D. similarly

54. A. take away      B. show off       C. turn down      D put forward

55. A advantages      B. abilities        C feelings         D. reasons

56. A. collect         B. mark           C. restrict         D support

57. A. find           B. process        C recognize        D. lose

58. A. scientists       B questions       C. studies          D. traditions

59. A. entirely        B highly          C relatively       D. slightly

60. A. difference      B. focus          C. idea           D. mind




第三部分 英语

知识运用(共两节,满分 45 分)

第二节(共 10 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 15分)


Throughout history, people have thought of the ocean as a diverse and limitless source of food. Yet today there is clear evidence that the oceans have a limit. Most of the big fish in our oceans are now   61  (go). One major cause is overfishing. People are taking so many fish from the sea that many species cannot replace   62  (they)

For centuries, local fishermen caught only enough fish for their own and their community's needs. However, from the early 20th century, people around the world became interested   63  consuming protein-rich foods, People began  64   (catch)large quantities of fish for profit and selling them to worldwide markets. In a very short period of time, commercial fishing  65  (great) reduced the number of large predatory fish, such as cod and tuna.

Today, there are still plenty of fish in the sea, 66 they're mostly just the little ones. Small fish, 67   include sardines and anchovies, have more than doubled in number- largely because there are not enough big fish  68   (eat)them

Such large fish   69   (be) necessary, because they hunt and kill the sick and weak smaller fish. Without this weeding out, or survival of the fittest, ecosystems become less stable. As a result, fish are less able to survive   70  (difficult) such as pollution, environmental change, or changes in the food supply.


第四部分 写作(共两节  满分35

第一节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)





注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

Daniel was born with a brain disorder. Because of it, he was differently from other children. As a boy, he likes to play alone and acted strangely. To many of his classmate, Daniel seemed unusual and we laughed at him. This hurt Daniel deeply, but he became very shy

As a teenager, things were changed. Daniel found he could solve difficult maths problems almost instantly. He also discovered other talent: he could learn to speak a language very quickly. Today, he is fluent in twelfth languages.

As adult. Daniel has overcome his shyness. He has written two books and now he travels constantly to talk to people with his life











21-23 DCB    24-27 CDAB    28-31 CDBC   32-35 BDAA  36-40 EBAGC



41-45 CDABB   46-50 ACCDC   51-55 ADBDB   56-60 ABCAD



61gone  62 themselves  63 in  64 catching  65 greatly  66 but  

67 which  68 to eat  69 are  70 difficulties



1 differently--different   2 likes--liked   3 classmate--classmates  

4 we--they  5 but--and/so  6 删除were  7 other--another  8 twelfth--twelve  9 adult前添加an  10 with--about



    Good morning everyone! My name is Li Hua and it’s my great pleasure to welcome our guests from our UK sister school. It's exciting to meet so many new friends.

As this is a cultural exchange program, I'd like to talk briefly about aspects of Chinese traditional culture, specifically Chinese painting. Traditional Chinese painting known as “Guo Hua”, is an enduring art form with a 2000-year-long history. In contrast to western oil painting, it’s usually done on rice paper(宣纸) or thin silk, using various brushes and black or colored ink. With subjects ranging from landscapes to flora and fauna(动植物), these paintings not only reflect the Chinese conception of artistic beauty but also embody the principles of Chinese philosophical thinking. We're planning several visits to our city’s art galleries so you can see for yourself.

I hope you’ll have a fantastic time during your stay with us and enjoy the activities we have organized.

Thank you.



