
Legislative Updates(10.11-10.17) | 法宝双语新闻

Editor's Note



1. 外资保险公司、外资银行管理条例修改

Regulations on Administration of Foreign-Funded Insurance Companies and Foreign-Funded Banks  Amended

日前, 国务院总理李克强签署国务院令,公布《国务院关于修改〈中华人民共和国外资保险公司管理条例〉和〈中华人民共和国外资银行管理条例〉的决定》,自公布之日起施行。

Lately, the Premier of the State Council Li Keqiang signed the Order of the State Council to promulgate the Decision of the State Council to Amend the Regulation of the People’s Republic of China on the Administration of Foreign-Funded Insurance Companies and the Regulation of the People's Republic of China on the Administration of Foreign-Funded Banks, effective from the date of issuance.


The main amendments to the Regulation on the Administration of Foreign-funded Insurance Companies are: cancelling the requirements for a foreign insurance company applying for the formation of a foreign-funded insurance company that it has engaged in the insurance business for 30 years or more and it has been two years or more since the formation of its representative office within China; and allowing a foreign insurance group company to establish a foreign-funded insurance company within the territory of China, and permitting an overseas financial institution to hold shares of a foreign-funded company.


The main amendments to the Regulation on the Administration of Foreign-Funded Banks include: (1) Abolishing the requirements of the total assets at the end of the year prior to the application for formation is filed for the sole or controlling shareholder of a wholly foreign-owned bank to be formed, the sole or principal foreign shareholder of a Chinese-foreign equity joint venture bank to be established, and the foreign bank whose branch is to be set up; and cancelling the condition that the sole or principal Chinese shareholder of a Chinese-foreign equity joint venture bank to be founded should be a financial institution. (2) Stipulating that a foreign bank may simultaneously set up a wholly foreign-owned bank and a branch of a foreign bank within the territory of China, or establish a Chinese-foreign equity joint venture bank and a branch of a foreign bank at the same time. (3) Relaxing restrictions on the business scope of a foreign-funded bank, that is, permitting it to engage in the offering, redeeming, and underwriting government bonds as an agent, as well as handling receipts and payments and the insurance business as an agent; changing the minimum amount of each of fixed deposits which a branch of a foreign bank may absorb from citizens within the territory of China from one million yuan to 500,000 yuan; and abrogating the examination and approval for a foreign bank to engage in the RMB business. (4) Improving regulatory measures taken against a branch of a foreign bank, including relaxing the requirement for it to hold a certain proportion of interest-generating assets, and relaxing the restriction on the ratio between the RMB portion and the RMB risk assets for a branch of a foreign bank within China whose capital adequacy ratio continuously complies with relevant provisions.


Rules on Determining the Standardized Debt Assets (Exposure Draft) Issued


On October 12, 2019, the People’s Bank of China issued the Rules on Determining the Standardized Debt Assets (Exposure Draft), and comments may be submitted until November 10, 2019.


According to the Exposure Draft, standardized debt assets refer to bonds, asset-backed securities and other fixed-income securities issued as legally required, including but not limited to treasury bonds, central bank bills, local government bonds, financial bonds, corporate bonds, enterprise bonds, and interbank negotiable certificates of deposit. Other debt assets which are recognized as standardized debt assets should meet five conditions containing, inter alia, sufficient information disclosure, centralized registration, and improved liquidity mechanism.


The Exposure Draft points out that such previously controversial financial products in the market as direct financing instruments for wealth management of the Banking Wealth Management Registration and Custody Center Co., Ltd., relevant products of credit asset transfer and income rights transfer of the Banking Credit Assets Registration and Circulation Center Co., Ltd., the debt financing plans of the Beijing Financial Assets Exchange, the income certificates of the China Securities Internet System Co., Ltd., and the debt investment plans and asset-backed plans of the Shanghai Insurance Exchange Co., Ltd. are determined as non-standardized debt assets.


In addition, the Exposure Draft particularly notes that some assets among the said newly defined non-standardized products that have not been incorporated into the statistics of non-standardized products may be exempted from such regulatory requirements for non-standardized debt assets investment as term matching, quota management, concentration management, and information disclosure during the transitional period. And those that are still within the duration after the transitional period ends should be handled properly in accordance with relevant provisions.


3. 银保监会就行政处罚办法征求意见

Public Comments Requested by CBIRC on the Measures for Administrative Penalties


On October 12, 2019, the China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission (CBIRC) is requesting public comments on the Measures of the China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission for Administrative Penalties (Exposure Draft), and comments may be submitted until November 11, 2019.


With a total of 99 articles in nine chapters, the Measures focus on regulating the procedures for administrative penalties, increasing the efficiency of administrative penalties, fully protecting the lawful rights and interests of administrative counterparts, and regulating the full process of administrative penalty cases, ranging from jurisdiction, case docketing for investigation, trial and review, rights notification and hearing, decision-making and enforcement.


The administrative penalties as set out in the Measures cover a warning, a fine, confiscation of illegal income, ordering the suspension of business operation for rectification, revocation of financial (business) permit, disqualification for taking the position, restriction on the business scope of an insurance institution, ordering an insurance institution to cease the acceptance of new business, abolition of a foreign insurance institution’s representative office in China, ordering the replacement of the chief representative of a foreign insurance institution’s representative office in China, prohibiting the entry into banking or insurance industry, and other administrative penalties prescribed by any law or administrative regulation.


According to the Measures, the CBIRC and its local offices should implement an administrative penalty system that separates the case filing for investigation from trial and decision of cases. An administrative penalty committee should be established, under which an office will be set up in the legal department of the CBIRC or that of a local branch; in case there is no legal department, the duties should be performed by the relevant department.



CBIRC Requests Public Comments on Disqualification from Duty Performance


On October 11, 2019, the China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission (CBIRC) issued the Guiding Opinions on the Disqualification from Duty Performance for Employees of Banks and Insurance Institutions (Exposure Draft), and comments may be submitted until November 12, 2019.


The Draft consists of 21 articles in seven aspects, namely, overall requirements, objects of disqualification, disqualification from positions, disqualification from performance of official functions, disqualification procedures, working requirements, and disciplinary actions. It mainly includes the following five aspects: (1) Clarifying the scope of objects that should be disqualified from duty performance, and methods and procedures for disqualification. (2) Distinguishing between key personnel and ordinary personnel with a focus on the management of the relative disqualification of key personnel. To this end, the former should be subject to the dual management of disqualification from positions and performance of official functions, while the latter should only be subject to relative disqualification when handling key business. (3) Promoting banks and insurance institutions to improve the establishment of systems and mechanisms. The Guiding Opinions mainly put forward the principle requirements for the work on the disqualification from duty performance. On this basis, the primary responsibilities of institutions should be enhanced, and each institution is required to formulate and improve its internal specialized rules and measures. (4) Clarifying internal and external disciplinary actions against the failure to disqualify. (5) Appropriately enhancing the flexibility of the regime. On one hand, the rectification of existing position disqualification problems has been given a three-year transitional period, requiring the institution to clear up all of them by the end of 2022 in principle. On the other hand, if it is impossible to do so as required under special circumstances, exemption should be granted after approval and publicity by the institution.










